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오늘의유머 (350247)  썸네일on   다크모드 on
변비엔당.. | 24/06/22 10:23 | 추천 11 | 조회 3192

페르시아 공주 보고 가시죠 +220 [10]

오늘의유머 원문링크 https://m.todayhumor.co.kr/view.php?table=humorbest&no=1763632


19세기땐 여자 콧수염이 미의 상징이었답니다 ㅠㅠ

공주 맞대여

" In 19th-century Persia, mustaches on women symbolized beauty.
Princess Fatemeh Khanum “Esmat al-Dowleh” was the princess of Persia. She was the daughter of King Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar and one of his wives Taj al-Dowleh.
Her father ruled Persia, now Iran, from 1848 to 1896."



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